How I got there: I took the train to North Sydney Railway Station from Parramatta and walked to Wendy's Secret Garden, which is a little over a kilometer in itself.
Total duration: 1 hour, 1 km, very leisure and very peaceful walk.
Traffic light for children: Green

About the place: Wendy's secret garden is a little difficult to find, you have to follow google maps correctly and as you come close to the starting point, you will see a flight of steps hidden from view amongst the Lavender Bay Parklands and you will know you are in the right place. There weren't any signs leading to the garden, "So secretive!". But once you find the gardens, what stunning views of the Bay! It literally took my breath away; I had never seen Harbor views from these angles before. The gardens itself are lovely, very shaded and it has got a lot of art and artifacts, which makes for a really interesting read! Very modern and intuitive designs.

I walked to the Luna Park from here, took a lot of pictures and just enjoyed the views from this side of the harbor. You can see North Sydney from here and the marina looks awesome. The walk from Luna Park continues on to Milson’s Point and beyond, but I opted to take a ferry from Milson's Point, which is a really nice ferry ride, which passes underneath the bridge! Check this walk and the views out the next time you are in the area!
